Thursday, December 26, 2013

Interfacing DS18s20 with AT89s52

In the previous post, we interfaced an analog temperature sensor i,e LM35 .Today, its time to interface DS18s20 with AT89s52 ,a microcontroller from 8051 family which is an digital temperature sensor of 9 bit resolution.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Interfacing LM35 with AT89s52

   Today, we are going to interface LM35 temperature sensor with AT89s52 microcontroller. As most of all already know that AT89s52 is a microcontroller from 8051 microcontroller family and it has no any feature of internally built analog to digital converter and since LM35 being an anlog sensor, we will require a suitable means of converting the analog signal obtained from LM35 to a discrete time signal. So, by now you must have already known that interfacing LM35 requires knowledge of interfacing analog to digital converter with AT89s52. If you donot have knowledge on interfacing analog to digital converter with AT89s52, you are recommended to read this post Interfacing ADC with AT89s52 first.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Interfacing ADC0804 with AT89s52

    Today in this tutorial we will learn to interface ADC0804 with AT89s52 (a microcontroller from 8051 family). ADC0804 uses successive approximation for analog to digital conversion. If you are interested to know how successive approximation works or if you don't know about working principle of successive approximation method of conversion from analog to digital signal,I recommend you to read the post on successive approximation ADC.