Saturday, January 18, 2014

Temperature based device Control system

A temperature based device control system which uses AT89s52 and LM35 temperature sensor is an embedded system which controls external devices(mainly an household appliances heater,fan,coolers and many more) by monitoring the temperature obtained from temperature sensor.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Line Tracking Robot using AT89s52

Previously, we discussed on line tracking robot without using microcontroller. Today, we will be building a simple line tracking robot which uses AT89s52 microcontroller that acts as control unit to provide decision to the robot. This following robot will also be able to detect cross or junction in the track.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Line tracking Robot without Microcontroller

Line following or tracking robot is an autonomous machine which follows a line with light colors marked on dark surfaces or vise-versa. These machine are designed to detect a line of particular color with the aid of the sensors. Mostly line following robot are made to follow a line of white or black color but there is no any hard and fine rule to use line of these two colors.